Introduction /艺术简历:

Professor Xie Yong talks about social reality with his artworks and shows social concern with his artpractice. Throughtheartworks, let the invisible be visible and the unheard be heard, make a voice for the silent and speak for the weak. It conveys humanistic care through artpractice, interacts with the audience through the exhibition and dissemination of artworks, and intervenes in social reality.

In 2018, he was invited to create a work "Cyber Cocoon Kids" for UNICEF focusing on children's online safety. Theseries of installations were exhibited at the UN Headquarters in New York in October 2018, and theexhibition was postedon the UN official website.

On April 12, 2017, the interactive art installation exhibition "WeCare" with the theme of promoting harmonious society, mutual helpand friendship was reported by People's Daily. Xie Yongintervenesin social reality through hisartworks, interactswith the audience and deliver humanistic care. In 2018, the video of "WeCare" was screened in Beijing subway, bus and other media as a public welfare publicitypromoting social mutual aid and friendship. In the same year, the work "We Care" won the Gold Medal "2017 Effie GC Gala Greater China Effie Award".

In 2014, "words can be weapons",the exhibition focusing on children's mental health, attracted constant social attention and discussion. CCTV, People's Daily, Xinhua News Agency, China Government network, Reuters and other international mainstream media have coveredthis exhibition for many times. The work won: Gold Award of 2014 London International Awards, Silver Award of Cannes International Creative Festival and many other international awards.

Five worksof Xie Yongwere selected for the 11th, 12th and 13th National Fine Arts Exhibition. "words can be weapons" was selected for the 13th National Fine Arts Exhibition ,Beijing. Manyof his works are collected by National Museum of China, Henan Art Museum, Liaoning Art Museum, etc.

| 解勇教授的创作灵感来源于对社会现实的观察与思考用艺术创作对话社会现实,以作品呈现社会关怀。通过艺术作品让不可见的可见,让不可闻的可闻,为无声者发声,为弱者代言,传递人文关怀。艺术作品形式多样,雕塑、互动装置、影像等艺术语言均有涉猎。


2018年,受邀为联合国儿童基金会创作以关注儿童上网安全为主题作品:“网络茧儿/cyber cocoon kids系列装置作品20201月和201810月两次在纽约联合国总部大厦展出,艺术展览被联合国官方网站报道。

2017412日,以弘扬和谐社会、互助友爱为主题的互动艺术装置作品展“每一个在乎,都能照亮世界”被人民日报撰文报道。同年,艺术作品“走进现实,因为我们在乎”获得了“2017 EFFIE GC GALA 大中华区艾菲奖”金奖。艺术家通过艺术作品介入社会现实与观众互动传递人文关怀。2018年,“每一个在乎,都能照亮世界”作品被作为弘扬社会互助友爱的公益宣传片在北京公交、地铁等媒体循环播放。


获奖:伦敦国际奖(London International Awards)金奖;戛纳国际创意节(Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity)银奖、铜奖;纽约克里奥奖(CLIO Awards)银奖;艾菲奖(Effie Awards)金奖;‘从洛桑到北京’国际纤维艺术双年展 特别奖、设计创意奖等十多个国际奖项。

| 收藏中国国家博物馆河南省美术馆辽宁省美术馆等机构收藏


Gain Laurels /获得荣誉:

辽宁省 “ 兴辽英才计划 ” 哲学社会科学领军人才

辽宁省优秀教师 /辽宁省宣传文化系统 “ 四个一批 ” 人才

沈阳市领军人才沈阳市劳动模范 /沈阳市教学名师